Primer Detail
- Primer name
- ACT-512F
ACT512F - Gene name
- actin gene (ACT)
- Primer sequence (5'-3')
- Direction
- F
- Target
- filamentous ascomycetes
- Reference
- Carbone I, Kohn LM (1999) A method for designing primer sets for speciation studies in filamentous ascomycetes. Mycologia 91: 553-556.
- Literature
- K Bensch, U Braun, JZ Groenewald and PW Crous (2012) The genus Cladosporium. Studies in Mycology 72: 1-401.
- Crous PW, Groenewald JZ, Pongpanich K, Himaman W, Arzanlou M and Wingfield MJ (2004) Cryptic speciation and host specificity among Mycosphaerella spp. occurring on Australian Acacia species grown as exotics in the tropics. Studies in Mycology 50: 457-469.
- P Zalar, GS de Hoog, H-J Schroers, PW Crous, JZ Groenewald and N Gunde-Cimerman (2007) Phylogeny and ecology of the ubiquitous saprobe Cladosporium sphaerospermum, with descriptions of seven new species from hypersaline environments. Studies in Mycology 58: 157-183.
- Avila de la Calle A, Groenewald JZ, Trapero A and Crous PW (2005) Characterization and epitypification of Pseudocercospora cladosporioides, the causal organism of Cercospora leaf spot of olives. Mycological Research 109(8): 881-888.
- Crous PW, Tanaka K, Summerell BA and Groenewald JZ (2011) Additions to the Mycosphaerella complex. IMA Fungus 2(1): 49-64.
- Pedro W Crous, Johannes Z Groenewald, Marizeth Groenewald, Pat Caldwell, Uwe Braun and Thomas C Harrington (2006) Species of Cercospora associated with grey leaf spot of maize. Studies in Mycology 55: 189-197.
- Verkley GJ, Quaedvlieg W, Shin HD and Crous PW (2013) A new approach to species delimitation in Septoria. Studies in Mycology 75: 213-305.
- Groenewald JZ, Nakashima C, Nishikawa J, Shin HD, Park JH, Jama AN, Groenewald M, Braun U and Crous PW (2013) Species concepts in Cercospora: spotting the weeds among the roses. Studies in Mycology 75: 115-170.
- Groenewald M, Groenewald JZ and Crous PW (2005) Distinct species exist within the Cercospora apii morphotype. Phytopathology 95: 951-959.
- Quaedvlieg W, Groenewald JZ, Jesús Yáñez-Morales M and Crous PW (2012) DNA barcoding of Mycosphaerella species of quarantine importance to Europe. Persoonia 29: 101-115.
- Stukenbrock EH, Quaedvlieg W, Javan-Nikhah M, Zala M, Crous PW, (2012) Zymoseptoria ardabilia and Z. pseudotritici, two progenitor species of the septoria tritici leaf blotch fungus Z. tritici (synonym: Mycosphaerella graminicola). Mycologia 104: 1397-1407.
- Quaedvlieg W, Kema GHJ, Groenewald JZ, Verkley GJM, Seifbarghi S, Razavi M, Gohari A, Mirzadi, Mehrabi R and Crous PW (2011) Zymoseptoria gen. nov.: a new genus to accommodate Septoria-like species occurring on graminicolous hosts. Persoonia 26: 57-69.
- L Lombard, PW Crous, BD Wingfield and MJ Wingfield (2010) Phylogeny and systematics of the genus Calonectria. Studies in Mycology 66: 31-69.
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- BS Weir, PR Johnston and U Damm (2012) The Colletotrichum gloeosporioides species complex. Studies in Mycology 73: 115-180.
- Collado-Romero M, Mercado-Blanco J, Olivares-García C and Jiménez-Díaz RM (2008) Phylogenetic analysis of Verticillium dahliae vegetative compatibility groups. Phytopathology 98: 1019-1028.
- U Damm, PF Cannon, JHC Woudenberg and PW Crous (2012) The Colletotrichum acutatum species complex. Studies in Mycology 73: 37-113.
- Toyozo Sato and Jouji Moriwaki (2013) Molecular re-identification of strains in NIAS Genebank belonging to phylogenetic groups A2 and A4 of the Colletotrichum acutatum species complex. Microbiology and Culture Collections 29: 13-23.
- Reference Strain