Primer Detail
- Primer name
- NS18
- Gene name
- 18S rRNA gene (SSU)
- Primer sequence (5'-3')
- Direction
- R
- Category
- fungus-specific
- Target
- Fungi
- Reference
- Gargas A, Taylor JW (1992) Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primers for amplifying and sequencing 18S rDNA from lichenized fungi. Mycologia 84(4): 589-592.
- Literature
- P.W. Crous, C.L. Schoch, K.D. Hyde, A.R. Wood, C. Gueidan, G.S. de Hoog and J.Z. Groenewald (2009) Phylogenetic lineages in the Capnodiales. Studies in Mycology 64: 17-47.
- Gargas, A. and DePriest, P. T. (1996) A nomenclature for fungal PCR primers with examples from intron-containing SSU rDNA. Mycologia 88: 745-748.
- Leena Myllys, Katileena Lohtander, Mari Källersjö and Anders Tehler (1999) Sequence insertion and ITS data provide congruent information in Roccella canariensis and R. tuberculata (Arthoniales, Euascomycetes) phylogeny. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 12: 295-309.
- Simon UK, Groenewald JZ and Crous PW (2009) Cymadothea trifolii, an obligate biotrophic leaf parasite of Trifolium, belongs to Mycosphaerellaceae as shown by nuclear ribosomal DNA analyses. Persoonia 22: 49-55.