PriMicro Database

For classification, identification and molecular phylogenetic analyses of microbes

Primer Detail

Primer name
Gene name
18S rRNA gene (SSU)
Primer sequence (5'-3')
Mingzhu Li, Takahiro Asano, Haruhisa Suga and Koji Kageyama (2011) A Multiplex PCR for the Detection of Phytophthora nicotianae and P. cactorum, and a Survey of Their Occurrence in Strawberry Production Areas of Japan. Plant Disease 95: 1270-1278.
Mingzhu Li, Minoru Inada, Hideki Watanabe, Haruhisa Suga and Koji Kageyama (2013) Simultaneous Detection and Quantification of Phytophthora nicotianae and P. cactorum, and Distribution Analyses in Strawberry Greenhouses by Duplex Real-time PCR. Microbes and Environments 28: 195-203.
Asano T, M Senda, H Suga and K Kageyama (2010) Development of multiplex PCR to detect five Pythium species related to turf-grass diseases. Journal of Phytopathology 158: 609-615.
Reference Strain
Aphanomyces iridisIFO 31934
Phytophthora capsiciNBRC 30696
Phytophthora cinnamomiNBRC 33182
Phytophthora megaspermaIFO 31624
Phytophthora sojaeNBRC 31016
Pythium acanthophoronMAFF 425319
Pythium dissotocumMAFF 305576
Pythium graminicolaMAFF 305860, MAFF 425415
Pythium hydnosporumMAFF 305861, MAFF 305892
Pythium inflatumMAFF 305863, MAFF 425322
Pythium intermediumMAFF 305570, MAFF 425324
Pythium irregulareMAFF 305572, NBRC 100108
Pythium myriotylumNBRC 100113
Pythium nodosumMAFF 305905
Pythium paddicumNBRC 31993
Pythium pyrilobumNBRC 32560
Pythium spinosumNBRC 100116
Pythium sylvaticumNBRC 100119
Pythium torulosumMAFF 305575
Pythium ultimumNBRC 100123
Pythium volutumIFO 31926, IFO 31927
Saprolegnia parasiticaNBRC 32708